About & Contact
Probably Private covers data privacy, data security and surveillance and its intersection with AI, machine learning and data science. Made with love, passion, optimism and an occasional dash of sarcasm by @kjam.
For audio-visual learners, there's a Probably Private YouTube channel with regular updates.
Like what you see/hear? You can hire me to give your organization trainings or for advisory work. You might also like my book Practical Data Privacy.
Probably Private started in 2020, took a pandemic pause, and is back on a semi-regular calendar. Check out the archives.
Feel free to send snail mail in response to any and all topics in the newsletter, or just because it's fun and probably private. PO Box is:
Katharine Jarmul
Postfach 2 12 67
10124 Berlin
You can also follow my work on LinkedIn if that's your jam.
If you have feedback, or want to chat, send an email to: info - at - probablyprivate.com.
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Impressum: Brückenstr 4 Berlin 10179 Germany